'''BaseBatch module
BaseBatch is used by SpriteBatch and BlockBatch.
from os import path
import math
from vulk import PATH_VULK_SHADER
from vulk import vulkanconstant as vc
from vulk import vulkanobject as vo
from vulk import vulkanutil as vu
from vulk.graphic import mesh as me
from vulk.graphic import uniform
from vulk.math.matrix import ProjectionMatrix, TransformationMatrix, Matrix4
[docs]class BaseBatch():
def __init__(self, context, size=1000, shaderprogram=None,
'''Initialize BaseBatch
- `context`: `VulkContext`
- `size`: Max number of block in one batch
- `shaderprogram`: Custom `ShaderProgram`
- `clear`: `list` of 4 `float` (r,g,b,a) or `None`
- `out_view`: Out `ImageView` to render into
**Note: By default, `BaseBatch` doesn't clear `out_image`, you have
to fill `clear` to clear `out_image`**
**Note: By default, out image is the context `final_image`, you can
override this behavior with the `out_view` parameter**
# ShaderProgram
if not shaderprogram:
shaderprogram = self.get_default_shaderprogram(context)
self.shaderprogram = shaderprogram
# Stored parameters
self.out_view = out_view if out_view else context.final_image_view
# Init rendering attributes
self.mesh = self.init_mesh(context, size)
self.uniformblock = self.init_uniform(context)
self.cbpool = self.init_commandpool(context)
self.renderpass = self.init_renderpass(context)
self.descriptorpool = self.init_descriptorpool(context)
self.descriptorlayout = self.init_descriptorlayout(context)
self.pipelinelayout = self.init_pipelinelayout(context)
self.pipeline = self.init_pipeline(context)
self.framebuffer = self.init_framebuffer(context)
# Others attributes
self.drawing = False
self.context = None
self.projection_matrix = ProjectionMatrix()
0, 0, context.width, context.height)
self.transform_matrix = TransformationMatrix()
self.combined_matrix = Matrix4()
self.idx = 0
self.matrices_dirty = True
[docs] def init_indices(self, size):
'''Initialize mesh's indices.
It's done only at initialization for better performance.
- `size`: Number of blocks to handle
j = 0
indices = self.mesh.indices_array
for i in range(0, size * 6, 6):
indices[i] = j
indices[i + 1] = j + 1
indices[i + 2] = j + 2
indices[i + 3] = j + 2
indices[i + 4] = j + 3
indices[i + 5] = j
j += 4
[docs] def init_commandpool(self, context):
return vu.CommandBufferSynchronizedPool(context)
[docs] def init_renderpass(self, context):
'''Initialize `BlockBatch` renderpass
- `context`: `VulkContext`
attachment = vo.AttachmentDescription(
self.out_view.image.format, vc.SampleCount.COUNT_1,
vc.AttachmentLoadOp.LOAD, vc.AttachmentStoreOp.STORE,
subpass = vo.SubpassDescription([vo.AttachmentReference(
[], [], [], [])
dependency = vo.SubpassDependency(
vc.PipelineStage.COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT, vc.Access.NONE, 0,
return vo.Renderpass(context, [attachment], [subpass], [dependency])
[docs] def init_pipelinelayout(self, context):
'''Initialize pipeline layout
- `context`: `VulkContext`
return vo.PipelineLayout(context, [self.descriptorlayout])
[docs] def init_pipeline(self, context):
'''Initialize pipeline
Here we are to set the Vulkan pipeline.
- `context`: `VulkContext`
# Vertex attribute
vertex_description = vo.VertexInputBindingDescription(
0, self.mesh.attributes.size, vc.VertexInputRate.VERTEX)
vk_attrs = []
for attr in self.mesh.attributes:
attr.location, 0, attr.format, attr.offset))
vertex_input = vo.PipelineVertexInputState(
[vertex_description], vk_attrs)
input_assembly = vo.PipelineInputAssemblyState(
# Viewport and Scissor
viewport = vo.Viewport(0, 0, context.width, context.height, 0, 1)
scissor = vo.Rect2D(vo.Offset2D(0, 0),
vo.Extent2D(context.width, context.height))
viewport_state = vo.PipelineViewportState([viewport], [scissor])
# Rasterization
rasterization = vo.PipelineRasterizationState(
False, vc.PolygonMode.FILL, 1, vc.CullMode.BACK,
vc.FrontFace.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, 0, 0, 0)
# Disable multisampling
multisample = vo.PipelineMultisampleState(
False, vc.SampleCount.COUNT_1, 0)
# Disable depth
depth = None
# Enable blending
blend_attachment = vo.PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState(
True, vc.BlendFactor.SRC_ALPHA,
vc.BlendFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, vc.BlendOp.ADD,
vc.BlendFactor.SRC_ALPHA, vc.BlendFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,
vc.BlendOp.ADD, vc.ColorComponent.R | vc.ColorComponent.G | vc.ColorComponent.B | vc.ColorComponent.A # noqa
blend = vo.PipelineColorBlendState(
False, vc.LogicOp.COPY, [blend_attachment], [0, 0, 0, 0])
dynamic = None
return vo.Pipeline(
context, self.shaderprogram.stages, vertex_input, input_assembly,
viewport_state, rasterization, multisample, depth,
blend, dynamic, self.pipelinelayout, self.renderpass)
[docs] def init_framebuffer(self, context):
'''Create the framebuffer with the final_image (from context)
- `context`: `VulkContext`
return vo.Framebuffer(
context, self.renderpass, [self.out_view],
context.width, context.height, 1)
[docs] def begin(self, context, semaphores=None):
'''Begin drawing sprites
- `context`: `VulkContext`
- `semaphore`: `list` of `Semaphore` to wait on before
starting all drawing operations
**Note: `context` is borrowed until `end` call**
if self.drawing:
raise Exception("Currently drawing")
if self.matrices_dirty:
self.drawing = True
# Keep the context only during rendering and release it at `end` call
self.context = context
self.cbpool.begin(context, semaphores)
[docs] def end(self):
'''End drawing of sprite
- `context`: `VulkContext`
`Semaphore` signaled when all drawing operations in
`SpriteBatch` are finished
if not self.drawing:
raise Exception("Not currently drawing")
self.drawing = False
self.context = None
return self.cbpool.end()
[docs] def upload_matrices(self, context):
Compute combined matrix from transform and projection matrix.
Then upload combined matrix.
- `context`: `VulkContext`
self.uniformblock.set_uniform(0, self.combined_matrix.values)
self.matrices_dirty = False
[docs] def update_projection(self, matrix):
'''Update the projection matrix with `matrix`
- `matrix`: `Matrix4`
**Note: This function doesn't keep a reference to the matrix,
it only copies data**
self.matrices_dirty = True
[docs]class BlockProperty():
"""Allow to set properties for a draw call"""
def __init__(self):
x, y: position
width, height: size
colors: color of each point (top-left, top-right, bot-right, bot-left)
scale: x and y scale
rotation: rotation in clockwise
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.width = 0
self.height = 0
self.colors = [[1] * 4] * 4
self.scale = [1] * 2
self.rotation = 0
self.border_widths = [0] * 4
self.border_radius = [0] * 4
self.border_colors = [[1] * 4] * 4
[docs]class BlockBatch(BaseBatch):
BlockBatch allows to batch lot of block (small and stylized quad) into
minimum of draw calls.
def __init__(self, context, size=1000, shaderprogram=None,
super().__init__(context, size, shaderprogram, out_view)
# Init rendering attributes
self.descriptorsets = self.init_descriptorsets(context)
[docs] def init_mesh(self, context, size):
'''Initialize the Mesh handling blocks
- `context`: `VulkContext`
- `size`: Number of blocks to handle
vertex_attributes = me.VertexAttributes([
# Position
me.VertexAttribute(0, vc.Format.R32G32_SFLOAT),
# Texture UV
me.VertexAttribute(1, vc.Format.R32G32_SFLOAT),
# Color
me.VertexAttribute(2, vc.Format.R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT),
# Border widths
me.VertexAttribute(3, vc.Format.R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT),
# Border color (top)
me.VertexAttribute(4, vc.Format.R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT),
# Border color (right)
me.VertexAttribute(5, vc.Format.R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT),
# Border color (bottom)
me.VertexAttribute(6, vc.Format.R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT),
# Border color (left)
me.VertexAttribute(7, vc.Format.R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT),
# Border radius
me.VertexAttribute(8, vc.Format.R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT)
return me.Mesh(context, size * 4, size * 6, vertex_attributes)
[docs] def init_descriptorpool(self, context):
# Only 1 uniform buffer
size = 1
pool_sizes = [vo.DescriptorPoolSize(
vc.DescriptorType.UNIFORM_BUFFER, size)]
return vo.DescriptorPool(context, pool_sizes, size)
[docs] def init_descriptorlayout(self, context):
ubo_descriptor = vo.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding(
0, vc.DescriptorType.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 1,
vc.ShaderStage.VERTEX, None)
bindings = [ubo_descriptor]
return vo.DescriptorSetLayout(context, bindings)
[docs] def init_descriptorsets(self, context):
"""Create the descriptor set (for mat4)"""
descriptorsets = self.descriptorpool.allocate_descriptorsets(
context, 1, [self.descriptorlayout])
descriptorub_info = vo.DescriptorBufferInfo(
self.uniformblock.uniform_buffer.final_buffer, 0,
descriptorub_write = vo.WriteDescriptorSet(
descriptorsets[0], 0, 0, vc.DescriptorType.UNIFORM_BUFFER,
vo.update_descriptorsets(context, [descriptorub_write], [])
return descriptorsets
[docs] def get_default_shaderprogram(self, context):
'''Generate a basic shader program if none given
- `context`: `VulkContext`
vs = path.join(PATH_VULK_SHADER, "block.vs.glsl")
fs = path.join(PATH_VULK_SHADER, "block.fs.glsl")
shaders_mapping = {
vc.ShaderStage.VERTEX: vs,
vc.ShaderStage.FRAGMENT: fs
return vo.ShaderProgramGlslFile(context, shaders_mapping)
[docs] def flush(self):
'''Flush all draws to graphic card.
Currently, `flush` register and submit command.
- `context`: `VulkContext`
if not self.idx:
if not self.drawing:
raise Exception("Not currently drawing")
# Upload mesh data
# Compute indices count
blocks_in_batch = self.idx / 4 # 4 idx per vertex
indices_count = int(blocks_in_batch) * 6
# Register commands
with self.cbpool.pull() as cmd:
width = self.context.width
height = self.context.height
vo.Rect2D(vo.Offset2D(0, 0),
vo.Extent2D(width, height)),
cmd.bind_descriptor_sets(self.pipelinelayout, 0,
self.descriptorsets, [])
self.mesh.draw(cmd, 0, indices_count)
self.idx = 0
[docs] def draw(self, properties):
Draw a block with `properties`
- `properties`: `BlockProperty`
if not self.drawing:
raise Exception("Not currently drawing")
width = properties.width * properties.scale[0]
height = properties.height * properties.scale[1]
x = properties.x
y = properties.y
x2 = x + width
y2 = y + height
p1x, p2x, p3x, p4x = x, x, x2, x2
p1y, p2y, p3y, p4y = y, y2, y2, y
rotation = properties.rotation
if rotation:
cos = math.cos(rotation)
sin = math.sin(rotation)
# Set coordinates at origin to do a proper rotation
w1 = -width / 2
w2 = width / 2
h1 = -height / 2
h2 = height / 2
x1 = cos * w1 - sin * h1
y1 = sin * w1 + cos * h1
x2 = cos * w1 - sin * h2
y2 = sin * w1 + cos * h2
x3 = cos * w2 - sin * h2
y3 = sin * w2 + cos * h2
x4 = x1 + (x3 - x2)
y4 = y3 - (y2 - y1)
x1 += p1x
x2 += p1x
x3 += p1x
x4 += p1x
y1 += p1y
y2 += p1y
y3 += p1y
y4 += p1y
x1, x2, x3, x4 = p1x, p2x, p3x, p4x
y1, y2, y3, y4 = p1y, p2y, p3y, p4y
c = properties.colors
bw = properties.border_widths
bct = properties.border_colors[0]
bcr = properties.border_colors[1]
bcb = properties.border_colors[2]
bcl = properties.border_colors[3]
br = properties.border_radius
for val in [([x1, y1], [0, 0], c[0], bw, bct, bcr, bcb, bcl, br),
([x2, y2], [0, 1], c[3], bw, bct, bcr, bcb, bcl, br),
([x3, y3], [1, 1], c[2], bw, bct, bcr, bcb, bcl, br),
([x4, y4], [1, 0], c[1], bw, bct, bcr, bcb, bcl, br)]:
self.mesh.set_vertex(self.idx, val)
self.idx += 1
[docs]class SpriteBatchDescriptorPool():
Manage pool of descriptor sets dedicated to spritebatch textures.
Theses sets contain uniform buffer and texture.
def __init__(self, descriptorpool, descriptorlayout):
self.descriptorsets = []
self.descriptorset_id = -1
self.descriptorpool = descriptorpool
self.descriptorlayout = descriptorlayout
[docs] def pull(self, context):
self.descriptorset_id += 1
descriptorset = self.descriptorsets[self.descriptorset_id]
except IndexError:
descriptorset = self.descriptorpool.allocate_descriptorsets(
context, 1, [self.descriptorlayout])[0]
return descriptorset
[docs] def reset(self):
self.descriptorset_id = -1
[docs]class SpriteBatch(BaseBatch):
SpriteBatch allows to batch lot of sprites (small quad) into minimum
of draw calls.
def __init__(self, context, size=1000, shaderprogram=None,
super().__init__(context, size, shaderprogram, out_view)
self.dspool = self.init_dspool()
self.last_texture = None
[docs] def init_mesh(self, context, size):
'''Initialize the Mesh handling sprites
- `context`: `VulkContext`
- `size`: Number of sprites to handle
vertex_attributes = me.VertexAttributes([
# Position
me.VertexAttribute(0, vc.Format.R32G32_SFLOAT),
# Texture UV
me.VertexAttribute(1, vc.Format.R32G32_SFLOAT),
# Color
me.VertexAttribute(2, vc.Format.R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT)
return me.Mesh(context, size * 4, size * 6, vertex_attributes)
[docs] def init_descriptorpool(self, context):
'''Create the descriptor pool
- `context`: `VulkContext`
size = 8
type_uniform = vc.DescriptorType.UNIFORM_BUFFER
type_sampler = vc.DescriptorType.COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER
pool_sizes = [
vo.DescriptorPoolSize(type_uniform, size),
vo.DescriptorPoolSize(type_sampler, size)
return vo.DescriptorPool(context, pool_sizes, size)
[docs] def init_descriptorlayout(self, context):
'''Initialize descriptor layout for one uniform and one texture
- `context`: `VulkContext`
ubo_descriptor = vo.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding(
0, vc.DescriptorType.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 1,
vc.ShaderStage.VERTEX, None)
texture_descriptor = vo.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding(
1, vc.DescriptorType.COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER, 1,
vc.ShaderStage.FRAGMENT, None)
layout_bindings = [ubo_descriptor, texture_descriptor]
return vo.DescriptorSetLayout(context, layout_bindings)
[docs] def init_dspool(self):
return SpriteBatchDescriptorPool(self.descriptorpool,
[docs] def get_default_shaderprogram(self, context):
'''Generate a basic shader program if nono given
- `context`: `VulkContext`
vs = path.join(PATH_VULK_SHADER, "spritebatch.vs.glsl")
fs = path.join(PATH_VULK_SHADER, "spritebatch.fs.glsl")
shaders_mapping = {
vc.ShaderStage.VERTEX: vs,
vc.ShaderStage.FRAGMENT: fs
return vo.ShaderProgramGlslFile(context, shaders_mapping)
[docs] def get_descriptor(self, context, texture):
'''Update descriptor set containing texture
- `context`: `VulkContext`
- `texture`: `RawTexture` to update
descriptorset = self.dspool.pull(context)
descriptorub_info = vo.DescriptorBufferInfo(
self.uniformblock.uniform_buffer.final_buffer, 0,
descriptorub_write = vo.WriteDescriptorSet(
descriptorset, 0, 0, vc.DescriptorType.UNIFORM_BUFFER,
descriptorimage_info = vo.DescriptorImageInfo(
texture.sampler, texture.view,
descriptorimage_write = vo.WriteDescriptorSet(
descriptorset, 1, 0, vc.DescriptorType.COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER,
context, [descriptorub_write, descriptorimage_write], [])
return descriptorset
[docs] def end(self):
semaphore = super().end()
return semaphore
[docs] def flush(self):
"""Flush all draws to graphic card
Currently, flush register and submit command.
context (VulkContext)
if not self.idx:
if not self.drawing:
raise Exception("Not currently drawing")
# Upload mesh data
# Bind texture
descriptorset = self.get_descriptor(self.context, self.last_texture)
# Compute indices count
sprites_in_batch = self.idx / 4 # 4 idx per vertex
indices_count = int(sprites_in_batch) * 6
# Register commands
with self.cbpool.pull() as cmd:
width = self.context.width
height = self.context.height
vo.Rect2D(vo.Offset2D(0, 0),
vo.Extent2D(width, height)),
cmd.bind_descriptor_sets(self.pipelinelayout, 0,
[descriptorset], [])
self.mesh.draw(cmd, 0, indices_count)
self.idx = 0
[docs] def draw(self, texture, x, y, width=0, height=0, u=0, v=0, u2=1, v2=1,
r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1, scale_x=1, scale_y=1, rotation=0):
Draw `texture` at position x, y of size `width`, `height`
- `texture`: `RawTexture`
- `x`: X position
- `y`: Y position
- `width`: Width
- `heigth`: Height
- `u`: U texture coordinate
- `v`: V texture coordinate
- `r`: Red channel
- `g`: Green channel
- `b`: Blue channel
- `a`: Alpha channel
- `scale_x`: Scaling on x axis
- `scale_y`: Scaling on y axis
- `rotation`: Rotation in radian (clockwise)
**Note: if width and height are set to 0, we take the image size**
if not self.drawing:
raise Exception("Not currently drawing")
if self.last_texture is not texture:
if not width and not height:
width = texture.width
height = texture.height
self.last_texture = texture
width *= scale_x
height *= scale_y
x2 = x + width
y2 = y + height
p1x, p2x, p3x, p4x = x, x, x2, x2
p1y, p2y, p3y, p4y = y, y2, y2, y
if rotation:
cos = math.cos(rotation)
sin = math.sin(rotation)
# Set coordinates at origin to do a proper rotation
w1 = -width / 2
w2 = width / 2
h1 = -height / 2
h2 = height / 2
x1 = cos * w1 - sin * h1
y1 = sin * w1 + cos * h1
x2 = cos * w1 - sin * h2
y2 = sin * w1 + cos * h2
x3 = cos * w2 - sin * h2
y3 = sin * w2 + cos * h2
x4 = cos * w2 - sin * h1
y4 = sin * w2 + cos * h1
x_abs = p1x + width / 2
y_abs = p1y + height / 2
x1 += x_abs
x2 += x_abs
x3 += x_abs
x4 += x_abs
y1 += y_abs
y2 += y_abs
y3 += y_abs
y4 += y_abs
x1, x2, x3, x4 = p1x, p2x, p3x, p4x
y1, y2, y3, y4 = p1y, p2y, p3y, p4y
for val in [([x1, y1], [u, v], [r, g, b, a]),
([x2, y2], [u, v2], [r, g, b, a]),
([x3, y3], [u2, v2], [r, g, b, a]),
([x4, y4], [u2, v], [r, g, b, a])]:
self.mesh.set_vertex(self.idx, val)
self.idx += 1
[docs] def draw_region(self, region, x, y, width, height, r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1,
scale_x=1, scale_y=1, rotation=0):
Draw `region` at position x, y of size `width`, `height`
- `region`: `TextureRegion`
- `x`: X position
- `y`: Y position
- `width`: Width
- `heigth`: Height
- `r`: Red channel
- `g`: Green channel
- `b`: Blue channel
- `a`: Alpha channel
- `scale_x`: Scaling on x axis
- `scale_y`: Scaling on y axis
- `rotation`: Rotation in radian (clockwise)
u = region.u
v = region.v
u2 = region.u2
v2 = region.v2
self.draw(region.texture, x, y, width, height, u, v, u2, v2,
r, g, b, a, scale_x, scale_y, rotation)
[docs]class CharBatch(SpriteBatch):
"""CharBatch allows to batch chars into minimum of draw calls."""
def __init__(self, context, size=1000, shaderprogram=None,
super().__init__(context, size, shaderprogram, out_view)
self.dspool = self.init_dspool()
self.last_texture = None
[docs] def get_default_shaderprogram(self, context):
'''Generate a basic shader program if nono given
- `context`: `VulkContext`
vs = path.join(PATH_VULK_SHADER, "distancefieldfont.vs.glsl")
fs = path.join(PATH_VULK_SHADER, "distancefieldfont.fs.glsl")
shaders_mapping = {
vc.ShaderStage.VERTEX: vs,
vc.ShaderStage.FRAGMENT: fs
return vo.ShaderProgramGlslFile(context, shaders_mapping)
[docs] def draw_char(self, fontdata, char, x, y, r=1., g=1., b=1., a=1.,
scale_x=1., scale_y=1., rotation=0.):
"""Draw a char
fontdata (FontData): Data on font
char (str): One character to draw
size (float): Size
x (int): X position
y (int): Y position
r (float): Red channel
g (float): Green channel
b (float): Blue channel
a (float): Alpha channel
scale_x (float): Scaling on x axis
scale_y (float): Scaling on y axis
rotation (float): Rotation in radian (clockwise)
region = fontdata.get_region(char)
width, height = fontdata.get_sizes(char)
super().draw_region(region, x, y, width, height, r, g,
b, a, scale_x, scale_y, rotation)