Source code for vulk.graphic.d3.attribute

This package contains material and attributes class

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# Attributes
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[docs]class Attributes(): '''Attributes is the base class for all attributes container. `Environment` and `Material` are attribute container ''' def __init__(self, attributes=None): ''' *Parameters:* - `attributes`: `list` of attributes ot initialize this object ''' self.attributes = {} if attributes: for a in attributes: self.set(a)
[docs] def set(self, attribute): '''Set a material attribute *Parameters:* - `attribute`: `Attribute` to set ''' self.attributes[attribute.__class__] = attribute
[docs] def get(self, attribute_class): '''Get an attribute by class *Parameters:* - `attribute_class`: Class of the attribute to retrieve ''' return self.attributes[attribute_class]
[docs]class Material(Attributes): '''Material is a container for `Attribute` objects Only one object of the same `Attribute` class can be inside the material. If you set an attribute which is already in the `Material`, the old one is replaced by the new one. ''' pass
[docs]class Environments(Attributes): ''' Environment contains all `Attribute` related to the environment, like lights, fogs... ''' pass
# ---------- # Attribute # ----------
[docs]class Attribute(): ''' Base class for attribute classes. ''' def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
[docs]class ColorAttribute(Attribute): pass